Thursday, November 7, 2019

Prototype images - fun with iterator objects

Here are some screen captures (also on our Instagram and Facebook feeds) from the flagship work-in-progress.

Today I was working on the idea of an iterator object which is an abstraction of repeated drawing with some incremental parameter change. The prototype has two iterator objects applied - one applies a gradual zoom to the target layer, while the other gradually shifts the origin (including a slight multiplier that increases with each iteration, so the origin is actually moving in a gentle exponential curve).

 I like the results with each layer, but the really cool thing is that the iterator objects applied in each case are identical - so there's a clean separation of the concept from the underlying rendering mechanism. The first image is a cartesian function plot (it's an f(x) = x^3 + sin(x^3) function, with some coefficients).

The second image is just a set of few shapes (three circles, two ellipses, two line segments). The iterator objects produce the repeated results in each rendering.

Below are few more images of these two renderings from different zoom levels.

Much more to come!

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