Friday, November 15, 2019

Fractal Friday! 2019.11.15

This week I'm beginning a new series of postings, to celebrate the implementation of a fractal renderer in our flagship product - Fractal Friday!

Click on each image to see it full size. These are window captures at screen resolution; our final product will also support higher resolutions and larger sizes.

This first collection was produced from early prototype implementations of our renderer - four regular Julia set fractals, and this Mandelbrot set image:

A variety of modes of color mapping, starting values, and iterative depths were used - these options will be interactive features of the product.

Every Friday we'll post more! It's an endless area to explore - both the mathematical worlds of these equations, and the aesthetic possibilities of color mappings and renderings.

Feel free to follow Mathaesthetics on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook), or follow this blog's RSS feed for more. Happy First Fractal Friday!

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