Friday, February 28, 2020

Fractal Friday 2020.02.28

For today's post I'm showing off some the Apple Core Image effects capabilities built into MathPaint, with three Julia set fractals. By the way, MathPaint's release is now close enough for crowdfunding - please see our MathPaint IndieGoGo campaign for details, and a video of the application in action!

For each Julia set in this week's images I'm sharing the original color-gradient fractal, followed by three results applying similar sets of effects.

Here's a spiral Julia set with C = -0.63 + 0.4i, max iterations 500:

Adding vibrancy and posterize effects with MathPaint:

Here's the output of a Morphology Maximum blur, Edges, and Exposure Adjustment effects on the original:

The final example uses a Whitepoint Adjust effect to shift the original image colors (along with Brightness/Saturation/Contrast), then applies a Fourfold Rotated Tile effect:

I'm using similar sets of effects for the other fractals in today's post, just using slightly different white-point adjust (to vary the colors) and different tiling options.

This snowy Julia set is made with C = -0.67 + 0.4i, 300 max iterations. The effects applied are identical except for the last, where the Whitepoint Adjust skews green and the Op Tile effect is used:

The final "lightning round" set comes from C = -1.225 + 0.3994i - max iterations are 100 but all points seem to break out by 50. Again only the final image has different settings - alternate color adjustment, and and eightfold tile effect.

These are just a few of the endless possibilities combining fractal output with Core Image effects!

This week most of my MathPaint work has focused on animation features, so look for some literal movement in next week's Fractal Friday post. You can follow Mathaesthetics on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest for more images and updates. 

If you want to stay updated about the MathPaint application used to create these images, follow the MathPaint Facebook Page, and check out our Indiegogo campaign.

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